Friday, October 28, 2011


I am on—an edge, rather at a crossroad.

The place that I come from is wonderful

The place where I may go to is wondrous

or perhaps wander-ous.

    Like gypsies.

trapped in caravans, contained in

silk, bells about their feet. Tintinnabulation.

Everywhere they go, they bring, music



In a line; predictable in order: 1, 2, 3.

Until they reach my crossroad

beckoning with unrestraint

completely unrestraint.

free. wild. extravagant. feral. abandon. nomadic.

without a Home.

Gypsies come to where I stand.

The location of my existence

To release me from the tedium of ordinary existence.

But from where I stand, the view I see

this place that I come from is

      My yoke is light. My days bright.

      And my nights…dark of course.

      sometimes starry. Other times not.

Pull a shawl around me.

Pander around my room, wishing for tea.

Pose as my personal fairy godmother.

Put on some tea.

Push through the last 1, 2, 3 pages.

Drifting from this wonderful place into


      I’m just on edge of unconsciousness.

      I’m just on the edge.

      I’ve reached the crossroad. Again.

    I reach it Every Day.

at times rejecting its challenge

at other times not.

Surpassing that which can be wonderful for that which is wondrous.

    Being immanent and transcendent.

    Embracing unknown, innovation,

    tinkering like bells

Gypsies’ bells

in no given order.

    Liberated. Autonomous. Bountiful.

    Imaginative. Enlightened. Sound.

                      as in body and mind.


                      in belief and thought.


                      of enmity and despair.


                      with charity and grace.


                      from apathy and levity.


                      to acceptance and faith.

Washed and made whole.

I am at a crossroad.

    I look back to the wonderful

    forward to the wondrous

    prudent of the wander-ous

    and certain to the wonder.

A bell rings.

Round One.

This old poem was inspired by a typo. I meant to write the word "wondrous" and instead wrote "wanderous" in a theology essay. Copyright 2009 KSA

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