An update. I rolled over a mosquito in bed, but it was too late--the
damage was done. The left side of my body, from neck to foot, itches.
ETA: I forgot about a bite and shaved over it. Ow!
is true. I am a donut lover. Recently, my family moved from the far
side of our apartment complex closer to the entrance. As I've mentioned
before, I live across the street from Walmart and now my walk has been
shorter by 2000 feet or so. It's excellent, but also less excellent
because I'm now short those X amount of steps in burning off
yummilicious, jelly filled, sprinkle topped donut calories. To
highlight the wisdom of children, my nephew came over and he asked me
"Where is my room? And where is Grandma's room?" I said, "It's back
there." He replied, "No, that's USJP's room. My room is at my house.
It's not lost like your room.""Hmm...very true, young jedi. *new topic*"
The tightened quarters are not too awful minus the given lack of
privacy, lack of personal space, lack of storage etc. I just hope I can
get out of this place soon, because, really...who would want to continue
such a cramped, unsatisfying existence?
it's quite tough to maintain the levels. I have bouts of insomnia (like
now) and am generally irritated. Oddly, what keeps me buoyant (I do
love that word) is something un amie
once wrote, something to the effect on how particular societies view
unemployment. It's hard to think of my situation as deeply personal and woe is me
when I know so many other Americans are out of a job. I am sharing in a
common, societal ailment and while it sucks so bad, at least I know it
isn't just me. Of course, that kind of "your pain is my pain" only gets
you so far and at times I do feel unwell about it. The lack of anything
is a burdensome load to carry and my inertia in turn has me putting on
weight and affecting my skin in the most interesting manner.
thought perhaps all the Mad Men episodes would air online, but it seems
just the premiere will. I can't help but feel like, "oh well." I was
sure I'd be more upset about it, but honestly whatever. This week's
episode of Bones featured Brennan delivering her baby. Overall, it was
unenjoyable; the allusion to the Nativity was just too blatant and
failed at conveying any moral truth or worthwhile irony. The scene where
Bones was walking through the sea of fighting inmates, was this close
to replicating a musical. It was bizarre and oddly aggravating how they
would literally stop and do jazz hands as she neared them. So
ridiculous. For the sake of honesty, I'll add that my mother's asinine
remarks about a potential complication during the birth also--how shall I
put it--cast a negative shadow on the episode. I missed design hour
on Saturday and Chelsea Lately was eh. I watched the movie Gomorrah, and
in my head I kept thinking "Gonorrhea;" the imagery was not pleasant.
seem to make more and more of them within the online community while
simultaneously losing them IRL. A couple of post ago, I wrote about the
disaster that was my friend's birthday party. (Un)fortunately and not to
my great horror, we haven't spoken since. I find myself repeating "We
aren't friends anymore" over and once more. The litany refuses to stick
and I cannot accept the truth of the words. I miss them yes, but truly
it's better that we end it. I guess I'm ambivalent.
Gag Reel.
part of one day, I reinstated my FB. I post the stupidest shit and I
took the liberty of collecting some of the more outlandish remarks for
continued amusement.
1."I dropped my fries today on the ground and I was like "HOW DARE YOU!!"
2.Awww...this picture [of someone's child] reminds me of the hangover baby!! <3
a random number texted me, "I like the light blue one" and instead of
replying, "you've got the wrong number," I asked "which light blue one?"
4.why am I half naked, outside, and asking my mom, "aren't we going to walmart?"
5.Honest to God thought: I wonder where all that water went that was in that cup? (I drank it).
started this poem. Hopefully, by the time I finish it will be much
improved. It's about epistemology, the mystery of nature, acceptance,
and enlightenment.
And I knew what I didn't know.
Deep inside beneath the trees. Under waterfalls that washed.
Washed everything away, trickling down the hill mingling
with fish.
My Birthday
was a dull affair. In fact, I keep forgetting how old I am! And thanks
for the wishes once more. Partially, because I lie about my age and
mostly because it simply isn't important to me. On my actual birth date,
I was packing and I prepared for myself a scrumptious treat known as
"seven layer cookies." When I lived in NJ, I used to eat them all the
time from this bakery that was next door to my brother's karate doju. He
would eat them too. More importantly, they turned out perfect and this
is the recipe I used. My only critique is to not strain the apricot
preserve and if you're familiar with the cookie, not to use other
colors. For some inexplicable reason, my color choices, purple, blue,
and yellow, really diminished the experience for me.???? My youngest
sister picked twenty bucks up off the ground and she gave it to me as a
present which was awfully nice of her. The gifts that I wanted included
two eye shadows from Mac, a hunter green color and a pale pink, and the
free gift bag from Victoria's Secret. For the past few years, I've been
obsessed with them. These things would've been lovely, but honestly
nothing can compare to how my mouth salivates when I think about the
cookies I made.
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