Monday, December 5, 2011

Hammer Time (Except Replace Hammer with Meme)

1. Wacky Formatted Poetry:
Although, my thoughts are all over the place, generally speaking, I write linearly.  I don't want my thoughts to be boxed in so, I do crazy things with placement/spacing/etc. I like to change the format to throw off the cadence. I like to give people more time to digest what I'm writing. Most of all, I like to entertain and engage the eye. Everything is more surprising when you have to chase it down.

2. New Friends:
Sheesh, very broad prompt. New friends online or in RL? I'll touch on both.  In RL, I'm despicably shy so it takes me a long time even to say "hello."  It makes me sad because I am quite friendly, but my bashfulness always gets the best of me, so people think I'm conceited and/or a bitch. But, I always try to cultivate friendships that will last the long haul. On the internet, I've been in the community for a very long time, but it wasn't until recently (August 2011), that I actually started talking to people. I feel like I missed out now. There is so much awesomeness online and I can't believe how varied everyone is. Everyone has lives and it's so cool that I'm intersecting with people on more than one plane.

3. Adoration:
I always say that adoration is better than love. You can love someone from a far, but you've got to be in their presence to adore them. I just looked up the word and I don't have much to add outside of the fact that the word reminds me of the Renaissance.

4. The Colour Blue:
That's odd! I prefer the color red. However, I do like writing about colors as I find them impossibly evocative and blue is quite popular. It makes me think of Picasso and sadness. The color blue is best served via denim.  I have blue floral curtains and a hulk blanket outlined in blue.

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