I went to the doctor the other day and he told me I was 5'5". Previously, I was under a near impenetrable delusion that I was 5'7". I don't know how I managed to accumulate two additional inches. Eventually, my height will reflect my reality, but I'm just not ready to be short. Aside from that, my profile is accurate.
I feel like I should qualify my statement about disliking cats...with a story. In 2008 there was small kitten TRAPPED under a garbage dumpster. And I saw him/her and I was like "I have to save this creature!" So at 11 at night, I got down on my hands and knees/laid down on the literally trashy ground and tried to coax the little guy from out of his hiding place. So I could own it. And I almost succeed, but then he scratched me; I was nervous about rabies which lead me to abandon that call of duty. And cats.
Ugh, I've gotten so behind on responding to messages. I've graduated college though!
---------------What Am I Doing With My Life?-------------------
I've dedicated myself to being a positive influence to those around me as I truly believe in Marianne Williamson's quote about "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. "Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure....." Plus no one likes a coward.
I just graduated college about 4 days ago. So I'm basking in my sweet sweet success.
I enjoy recycling. The public transportation system. And conserving energy.
---------------------------------I'm Really Good At----------------------
I've thought of something that I excel at! Folding my laundry.
Other things that I'm proficient at:
Returning books to public libraries in a timely fashion.
Employing voice mail.
Birthing baby squirrels. That's not true.
-----------------The First Thing People Usually Notice About Me----------------
I'd like to hope my personhood, but I'm unskilled when it comes to discerning others' immediate reaction.
--------------Favorite Books, Movies, Shows, and Food-------------------
I do have a favorite book, a favorite genre, as well as a reading list. My fav book is ~Death Comes for the Archbishop~ by Willa Cartha. I've been trying to read ~Catch-22~ and ~The Picture of Dorian Gray~ for about two years now. I'm sure when I manage to complete them, they will also be amongst my favorites.
When I was younger, my grandfather's common law wive gave me a book about this mystical creature that was coveted by (you've probably guessed it) the dark side. Well the creature manifested itself into a child and then this lady found the being (??) and decided to protect him from the evil forces. Long story short she succeeded. However, I do not recall the title nor author of the book. Just that it followed the fantasy genre's conventions and that the cover was blue. One two separate occasions, I've searched for the book with no avail.
But my favorite genre is Oprah's book club.
And my reading list is the collegeboard's 101 Must Read books. I've gotten through about thirty.
I love Harry Potter. I cried when Cedric Diggory died (in the novels/No relation to Twilight).
Food: it taste good. I can say I've never really had a problem with airline food. As it were, I have a food palette that some may consider unsophisticated, but that I consider All-American.
Things I enjoy munching on: grill cheese, PB&J (fav), bologna and cheese, spaghetti, meatloaf, peas and carrots, rice with butter and sugar (for bk), rice with peas and corn (for lunch), salad (hold the almonds, tangerines, foreign objects, etc./
once I got a salad that came with four different muffins) tuna sandwiches, pancakes, and lastly Thanksgiving Dinner. I like vitamin water.
----------------------Six Things I Could Never Do Without-------------------
Every time I think about how I could never live without something, I lose that thing. For instance, I lost my diary and bible on a train in France. Then an ex-roommate (we're on good terms) took my bottle of perfume which I spent six years looking for (she returned it). Plus, my mom gave away my childhood pets. So I really think the only 'commodities' I could never do without:
1. Health
2. My glasses (wow, that would be really tragic).
3. My other dogs???
4. Soap
5. Identification
6. Neon yellow
7. Umm...a nightstand.
-------------------------I Spend A Lot of Time Thinking About-------------------------
How I would really love it if the girls next door would stop talking so loudly.
The bests ways go about developing a green thumb.
Hypothetical situations.
Things I've forgotten to do after it's too late.
Maxims, saws, proverbs, expressions.
Eventually getting my license.
-----------------------On A Typical Friday Night I Am-----------------
----------------------The Most Private Thing I'm Willing to Admit----------------
I accidentally burnt myself with a curling iron this March.
I'm allergic to diary and shellfish.
I'm an avid Britney Spears fan.
------------------------Contact Me if------------------------
You're not too shy (we'll never make it otherwise).
You don't mind the occasional vapid conversations. I do my utmost best to be profound and deep, but sometimes I just carried away by the colors.
You think conversations should be 50/50. I don't like being lectured to and I don't like to lecture.
If you're smart than you'll realize that this is from a dating website. And while I did actually find a decent guy worth dating, I moved away before anything could come of it. Such is life.
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