Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I went to the doctor the other day and he told me I was 5'5". Previously, I was under a near impenetrable delusion that I was 5'7". I don't know how I managed to accumulate two additional inches. Eventually, my height will reflect my reality, but I'm just not ready to be short. Aside from that, my profile is accurate.

I feel like I should qualify my statement about disliking cats...with a story. In 2008 there was small kitten TRAPPED under a garbage dumpster. And I saw him/her and I was like "I have to save this creature!" So at 11 at night, I got down on my hands and knees/laid down on the literally trashy ground and tried to coax the little guy from out of his hiding place. So I could own it. And I almost succeed, but then he scratched me; I was nervous about rabies which lead me to abandon that call of duty. And cats.